Although the NEC DS2000
has been discontinued we still have many control units, expansion
cards, replacement cards and phones available for immediate delivery
to keep your DS2000 running for years to come.
The NEC DS2000 Key
service unit is available in two different configurations to meet
you current size needs. A 4-slot KSU and an 8-slot KSU depending on
the size configuration of your business.
The 4 Slot Key Service Unit
is basically
the computer of the phone system holding all of the system cards and
components. The 4-slot KSU can hold up to 32 telephones and 24
incoming lines in configurations of 16 lines in X 32 Telephones or
24 lines in X 16 telephones.
The term 4 slot means we have the
capability of add ing 4 different expansion cards labeled CO/Trunk
cards (incoming line) and station cards. The CO/Trunk Cards are
available in either a
4-port or
8-port configurations. The 4-port trunk card can handle up to 4
incoming lines and the 8-port can handle up to 8 incoming lines.
The station cards come in either a
16 port digital proprietary station card (required) or we can
add analog telephones to the system also in either
4-port Analog Station Card or an
8-port Analog Station Card.Note: The DS2000 4-slot KSU can
be expanded to 32 digital telephones as the 4-slot KSU can only hold
one power supply. The analog
station cards work well in Hotel Motel environments or a warehouse
and other locations that do not require a lot of advanced telephone
use. We suggest the
Vodavi 2800 Single Line Telephones as they have a voice mail
message waiting light that is compatible with the NEC DS2000. The 8-Slot Key Service Unit

is basically the computer of the phone system holding all of the
system cards and components. The 4-slot KSU can hold up to 96
telephones and 56 incoming lines in configurations of 8 lines in X
96 Telephones, 24 lines in X 8 telephones, 32 lines in X 64
telephones, or 40 lines in X 48 telephones.
The term 8 slot means we have the
capability of adding 8 different expansion cards labeled CO/Trunk
cards (incoming line) and station cards. The CO/Trunk
Cards are available in either a
4-port or
8-port configurations. The 4-port trunk card can handle up to 4
incoming lines and the 8-port can handle up to 8 incoming lines.
The station cards come in either a
16 port digital proprietary station card (required) or we can
add analog telephones to the system also in either
4-port Analog Station Card or an
8-port Analog Station Card. Note: The 8-slot KSU can be
expand to 96 telephones. For every 32 telephones an additional
power supply is required to operate the additional telephones.
Three power supplies can be added to the NEC DS2000.
The analog station cards work well in
Hotel Motel environments or a warehouse and other locations that do
not require a lot of advanced telephone use. We suggest the
Vodavi 2800 Single Line Telephones as they have a voice mail
message waiting light that is compatible with the NEC DS2000.
On Hotel Motel applications the
8-slot KSU is expandable to 56 telephone requiring 2 power supplies.

20 personal speed dials, 12
programmable function keys, built in desk stand, message waiting
light, message notification, dual color LED's, caller ID 2 line LCD
display, last number redial, busy redial, call conference, call
transfer, call hold, flash key, microphone mute key, do not disturb,
& headset compatible.
DS2000 34 Button Phone

20 personal speed dials, 24
programmable function keys, built in desk stand, message waiting
light, message notification, dual color LED's, caller ID 2 line LCD
display, last number redial, busy redial, call conference, call
transfer, call hold, flash key, microphone mute key, do not disturb,
& headset compatible.
NEC DS2000 Expansion Cards

Adds 16 Digital Station Ports to an
Existing DS2000 . Up to digital phones can be added to 4 slot KSU
and up to 96 phones can be added to an eight slot KSU. For every 32
phones a power supply is required on the NEC DS2000 eight slot KSU.

Adds expansion of 8 incoming lines to an
existing NEC DS2000 Phone System
NEC DS2000 8 Port Analog Station Card

Provides interface of 8 additional
analog station ports to an existing NEC DS2000. Requires an
available slot.
We have an 8 port and a 16 port
analog station card available, although you will have to upgrade the
firmware to the 3.22.12 version and begin the phone system
programming from default.
Call For Pricing and Availability (800) 619-9566 NEC DS2000 Power Supply

$59.00 - add to card
NEC DS2000 Power Supply Used 90 Day
Warranty. Compatible with the NEC DS2000 four slot or eight slot
phone system. Multiple power supplies are needed for the eight slot
phone system as one power supply is needed for 32 phones.
DS2000 Interface Cable and Block Kit

The cable and block kit interface or
connects the DS2000 phone system to your existing wiring.
DS2000 Interface Cable and Block Kit

The cable and block kit interface or
connects the DS2000 phone system to your existing wiring.